Since 2013, Flux Festivals has brought nearly 400 diverse musical performances, from high energy funk to experimental IDM electronica, to thousands of people in Arkansas. This, combined with a wide variety of tasty food vendors, interesting workshops, passionate painters, and a series of extraordinary entertainers and fire dancers, has made Flux a home for people all over the South. The Flux Family is back and excited with Phantom Flux!
We are ready for a magical adventure in the woodlands of Cadron Creek; the real question is, are you?

Tier 1 Early Bird (Limited) $55.50
Tier 2 General Presale $88.80
Tier 3 At Gate (If Not Sold Out) $120 Weekend. $100 Saturday.
(Pay $5 Pet Security once for a pet ID) - Kids Under 12 get in Free!
Anyone Under 18 Requires a Legal Guardian
Friday @ Flux Stage
4:30PM - 5:40PM: Groovecluster
6:00PM - 7:10PM: Open Fields
7:30PM - 8:40PM: Vintage Pistol
9:00PM - 10:30PM: Flintwick
10:30PM - 12:00PM: Sick Numbles
12:00AM - 1:30AM: iTom Lab
Friday @ Moon Base Alpha
10:30PM - 12:00PM: Noisemarrow
12:00AM - 1:30AM: Scott Stanley
1:30AM - 3:00AM: Alex Grant
3:00AM - 4:30AM: Braxton Stowe
4:30AM - 6:00AM: Empty Space
Saturday @ The Flux Stage
12:00PM - 1:10PM: Kinda Surprised
1:30PM - 2:40PM: Fried pies
3:00PM - 4:10PM: A Year and a Day
4:30PM - 5:40PM: Move Orchestra
6:00PM - 7:10PM: The Rios
7:30PM - 8:40PM: Tortuga
9:00PM - 10:10PM: Spoonfed Tribe
10:30PM - 11:40PM: Skydyed
12:00AM - 1:30AM: CMB
130AM - 2AM: Forbidden Arts Revue
Saturday @ Moon Base Alpha
10:30PM - 12:00PM: Tilomere
12:00AM - 1:30AM: Orbit Weaver
1:30AM - 3:0AM: Scotty B
3:00AM - 4:30AM: Jonny Sea
4:30AM - 6:00AM: Ultrasonic Nozzle





Gates Open at 12pm, Friday, and they close at 2am. There is no re entry or leaving after 2am for the safety of everybody. The gates re open at 8am, Saturday, and close again at 2am. Please make sure to enter/leave accordingly. Anyone Under 18 Requires a Legal Guardian. Thanks, Flux Family!
Thursday gate ours are a bit more special. Gates are open at the start of every hour from 12pm - 9pm on Thursday, and they close about 15 minutes after opening. Please be patient if arriving early.

And Please Remember
ID Is Required (Under 18 Requires a Legal Guardian to Attend)
No Glass Containers (Respect your enviroment)
Leave No Trace (Leave the land as you found it)
Camping is Encouraged! (Plan and bring appropriate gear)
Carpool for easy access! (Bring your friends and minimize parking)
No Ground Fires. (Take ash with you or empty it in the community bonfire)
Keep your pets on a leash and sign those waivers. (Help protect each other)
No Foraging (Don't tamper with wildlife or flora. Leave No Trace)
No retractable leashes please. (They are easy to trip on)
No megaphones. (Please be kind to your neighbors)
No Weapons, Firearms, or Illegal Items of Any Kind. (This means leave that battle axe at home)
No sound camps or speakers. (Trust us, we will have all the sound you need)
Respect staff and security. (They are there to help you have a great time)
No ATMs Are Available On-Site. Cash/Credit is Accepted. Credit Charges add a $2 Fee.
No RVs or Buses will be Permitted to Enter Without an RV Pass.
No ATV's or Off-Road Vehicles (We Have Them On-Site to Give you a Lift)
Be Yourself. Be Open Minded. Be Excellent to Each Other. And Party on Dudes!

Here at Flux, we have a few rules, tips, and general practices we feel will help you, the people around you, and the Flux experience in general stay awesome. If you have ever been to a festival before, you probably already understand many of these concepts. Take a few minutes out of your day and familiarize yourself with this list. We feel like it can help make sure we all continue having an awesome time at the beautiful events, together.
Thank you for your concerns and dedication, Flux Family!
How To Be Awesome
(Rules and Guidelines on Simply Giving a Flux)
ID Is Required (Under 18 Requires a Legal Guardian to Attend)
No Glass Containers (Respect your enviroment)
Leave No Trace (Leave the land as you found it)
Camping is Encouraged and Included! (Plan and bring appropriate gear)
Carpool for easy access! (Bring your friends and minimize parking)
No Ground Fires. (Above ground Fire pits ok.
Take the ash with you or empty it in the community bonfire)
Keep your pets on a leash and sign those waivers. (Help protect each other)
No Foraging (Don't tamper with wildlife or flora. Leave No Trace)
No retractable leashes please. (They are easy to trip on)
No megaphones. (Please be kind to your neighbors)
No Weapons, Firearms, or Illegal Items of Any Kind. (This means leave that battle axe at home)
No sound camps (Without permission from the staff)
Respect staff and security. (They are there to help you have a great time)
No ATMs Are Available On-Site. Cash/Credit is Accepted. Gate Credit Charges add a $5 Fee.
No RVs or Buses will be Permitted to Enter Without an RV Pass.
No ATV's or Off-Road Vehicles
Be Yourself. Be Open Minded. Be Excellent to Each Other. And Party on Dudes!
Campground open Friday at noon thru Sunday at noon
Gates closes nightly 2am until 8am .
• Want a ticket, but you didn't get a Pre-Sale? They will be available at the gate for full price if any are left.
• Don't forget your sleeping bag, tent, pillow, medicine, cash for vendors, trash bags, rain-protection, ID, blankets, flashlight, tent stakes, hammer, a copy of Superman Issue #1, and other camping essentials.
• Please make sure to bring gear that prepares for BOTH cold and heat. Please: Absolutely no ground fires under accordance withFlux policies. We will have a large bonfire and tents to help keep things warm.
• Drink plenty of water! We will have some on site, but we recommend bringing refillable non-glass containers for your liquids.
--Be Yourself and Respect Others--
• Flux is a place of sharing. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable or to allow others to be vulnerable. Many people at Flux have yet to experience an environment so full of acceptance and freedom of expression, and it can become emotional in many ways. Be yourself, stay open-minded, and party on dudes!
• A huge part of Flux is participation. There are art installations, galleries, workshops, family activities, vendors, sacred spaces, and music of all genres to explore; not to mention the forest and creek to traverse. The people who put effort into creating Flux all share a like-heartedness and a desire to host a shared creative experience.
• This is a family event. In a way, we are redefining the values of our own society, but one that could eventually lead to a sustainable future. This isn’t utopian. It merely provides information and inspiration for ways in which we can change our daily lives for the better. This is a celebration, not an escape. It’s something you take home with you, and there is no overarching dogma other than: Go with the flow and be excellent to the world around you and inside you.
--Take Care of the Earth--
• Flux is a Leave No Trace event. This means that whatever trash you produce at camp is your responsibility to carry out with you. We provide trash cans in shared areas to help with waste management, and we have trash bags available at VOID. If you carry out your trash with you, you receive a free sticker at the gate when you leave.
• Keep your dogs on a leash and clean up after your cute puppers. We will issue warnings if we don't see this rule being followed.
• Pour out liquids before throwing away sealed containers, return that water to the earth instead of letting it get trapped in a landfill. This also reduces the weight of trash we have to carry.
• Do not bring glass bottles. Glass is heavy to haul out and has a risk of breaking and injuring others or yourself. Glass also takes eons to biodegrade. Bringing reusable, plastic or metal containers is always a winning idea.
• Toss cigarette butts into the community fire, or put them out and trash them. The world Is not our ashtray. You can also use empty packs, empty water bottles, or other small containers to hold butts in your pocket until you find a trash can. If you bring a bottle of collected cigarette butts to the VOID tent at any point during the festival, you will receive an event poster.
• Thirsty? We provide access to water at VOID and at the Gate.
• Be considerate of others and the Earth. Help preserve the land we are blessed to call home multiple times a year, and help preserve the health and wellness of your fellow Fluxer.
• Utilize items and foods with minimal packaging to produce less waste.
• Pick up any piece of trash you see, even if it isn’t yours. You’ll probably feel pretty good about yourself.
--Taking Care of Yourself--
• BABY WIPES. Great for a quick cleanse after the heat of the day. Great for washing your feet and hands before getting in your tent. Great for keeping sunburns and skin irritations clean and cooled. We also hear they are great for babies.
• Remember to stay healthy. VITAMINS, MINERALS, PROTEINS, CARBS. Baby food pouches, jerkies, dehydrated fruits, breads, etc. Pace yourself and take care of yourself.
• EASY COLD MEALS. Sandwiches, bagels w/ cream chees, tomato cucumber salad, potato salad, peanut butter and jelly, carrots and ranch, soft boiled eggs, etc. If you’re really in a pinch, there are donation-based meals available at kid camp. If funds are available, remember to support our vendors and try out their delicious food!
• WATER. Don’t let yourself run out. Bring a reusable container. We provide water at VOID and Gate.
• GO TO SLEEP. Don’t turn yourself into a zombie and create all kinds of hell for your neurotransmitters. Get the rest you need, even if it’s a nap in the shade under a tree. Bring a hammock if you dont have a tent!
• SLEEP BEFORE YOU LEAVE. Do not break down and drive out while exhausted.
• TOILET TRAINING. Spray hand sanitizer on some toilet paper and clean the seat before use. Once again, BABY WIPES. Do not use the toilets as a receptacle for beer cans, empty bottles, or any trash that isn’t toilet related. Ladies, if you hover, put the seat up first. Use hand sanitizer when finished. Don’t be gross.
Thank you so much for reading! We appreciate your concern and dedication to the Flux Family.
We can't wait to see your smiling faces at the creek this year!
How to Have a Good Time